We believe
that everyone should have access
to the highest quality health
supporting products.

That is why, using natural extracts , we develop in our laboratories new food supplements and conduct clinical studies to offer our customers premium quality nutraceuticals supporting their health and well-being.

Functional Nutraceuticals

& Food Supplements Manufacturer

We set new standards on food supplements market

Science. QualityResponsibility. Transparency.

Own R&D department and well equipped laboratory offering the possibility to create innovative unique formulas.

Combination of R&D and production knowledge enabling full control at every stage of product development.

Flexible customer approach, tailored solutions.

We provide the advanced solutions supporting people with their everyday activities.

Our goal and mission

Our main goal is to provide people who need support with the best quality products, which demonstrate the laboratory confirmed effectiveness.
Therefore, in addition to our own laboratory, where we conduct several experiments on various cells models, we also conduct studies in collaboration with academics and clinics, in order to prove the efficiency of the data obtained in the laboratory on clinical onset.

In AronPharma we also use experience of the sister companies – Greenvit and Bart in sourcing and production of key ingredients.

We have an innovative approach to creating new products. We focus on research and development of formulations based on natural extracts. Our nutraceuticals are unique and their activity is backed by pre-clinical and clinical studies. We match advanced solutions to real needs, especially in terms of  supporting immunity, mental well-being, metabolic disorders and physical activity.

Our main activity

The company is first of all concentrating on the research and development of the new products (nutraceuticals, medical devices, food for special medical purposes) based on the natural extracts, rich in polyphenolic compounds derived from plants rich in polyphenols.

Our goal is the introduction of the advanced solutions supporting people.

From the raw material to the ready product

The combination of the R&D and production expertise is not a common model on the market. This gives us a considerable competitive advantage thanks to the comprehensive services and quality control at every stage of the product development.

The so called “one stop shop” is rare in food supplements field because of the in-depth specialisation of particular companies in these segments of the market. The all-embracing activity gives a more important control over every aspect of the project, as well as the certainty, that every stage of the production will be adjusted to the needs of the particular product. High quality of the product is achieved thanks to the holistic view to the process of development and manufacturing.

We are able to provide the fully integrated process of the product development from the initial idea through the development research, formulations, stability studies, pre-clinical and clinical studies to the raw material production and the final product.

Our product lines

Immune System Support

Liposomal Vitamins

Mental Well-being & CNS Support

Eye Health Support

Healthy Physical Activity & Sport

Heart Health Support

Diabetes Treatment Support

We Deliver and Ship all over the World

For more informations contact us

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AronPharma 2022. All rights reserved.

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